Posts tagged with design

The E Club, redefined

August 22, 2017

The E Club has evolved since its creation in 2009, but its design stayed more-or-less the same: a large banner (sometimes animated) at the top of the page, the menu and content below that, and the footer. That layout worked for the older versions of The E Club - the content didn't take up the whole width of the page since the site was only optimized for bigger screens, and there was lots of space to display images in the background and at the top of the page. When The E Club 3.0 went live, The E Club was rebuilt from the ground up to be faster, simpler, more secure, and most notably, more responsive. The design of The E Club 2.0 was mostly intact, but it clashed with The E Club's new responsiveness in that the top bar banner wasn't well-optimized for larger displays (there was a bunch of whitespace around it), and there was a disconnect between the desktop and smartphone versions (the…

The E Club's New Look

August 28, 2013

The E Club was long overdue for a new look. Now, it's got one. I have redesigned everything on The E Club (except for the main menu) so that the site looks seamless and even more awesome than before. In this redesign, The E Club Ad Creator (a page with a form to create ads, not The E Club Advertising), PrintMedia, the ENews subscription box on what is now the Quick Polls page, The E Shop (not the two sites, just the page on The E Club), and more were phased out to simplify and beautify the experience. I hope you enjoy the new look.

A new way to search at The E Club

November 25, 2012

Throughout almost all of The E Club's history, The E Club itself almost always had a search functionality that allowed users to search The E Club and later The E Club Family. It started out as FreeFind, and The E Club later switched to Google Custom Search, which The E Club Family still uses today. When The E Club moved to WebStarts, the Custom Search engine was still there, but there was one problem that the original The E Club didn't have: The Custom Search boxes were in different places on each page. This probably caused much confusion. Today, I am pleased to say there's a new way to search at The E Club - on most of the pages (except the home page and this page), there are Custom Search boxes above the main menu of The E Club, just below the banner at the top of the page. We are also still tweaking the search engine so that it can reach its full potential as the official search…

The E Club's Project

March 09, 2012

The E Club Family Websites are changing. A while ago, The E Club became more unified, with every page having the same background image, and all of its content on the background of The E Club Green, as I like to call it. Plus, as a remembrance of, I inverted the text and background color, making the text as close to the dark blue of the old The E Club as I could, and made the background image a shade of green, similar to the color the old The E Club used for its regular text, or body. Also, back in September 2011, I redid The E Club Social Beta and made it The E Club+, eventually making the URL of The E Club+ a subdomain of The E Club,, strangely exactly 6 months after it was created. I've also done many other redesigns to The E Club Family Websites in the distant past and recently. These redesigns, as The E Club World states, are part of a big…