The E Club for Search!

August 16, 2010

As we all know, Google is the most popular search engine, and the search engine with lots of queries, but now, as you may have seen in the toolbar, there's a customized web search. A few days after installation of the toolbar, "The E Club Customized Web Search" is added to your browser's little search box on the top right corner of the screen. This was tested only in Mozilla Firefox, but it may work in other browsers. Also, the search engine has a home page, where you can search the web, images, Conduit Apps (for other Conduit toolbars), video, weather, news, Google Groups, news, and shopping. The coolest thing about the search engine is that, when you type in a search query in the box, click on "More," and then "The E Club Search!," you are taken to The E Club's Custom Search page, where your search results on The E Club come up! This is the same for The E Club Lite. Do you want to use…

Exciting new Events are here this September!

August 02, 2010

Today was an exciting day for me, even though it hardly started, because I finally got the 242nd Star in Super Mario Galaxy 2! As shown in the last Blog entry, Grandmaster Galaxy is the last galaxy in the whole game, after you collect all 120 stars and green stars, it's unlocked. It took me a long time to beat the Grandmaster Prankster Comet, The Perfect Run with Mario, but a Nunchuk glitch made Mario fall off. Finally, I beat it as Luigi. Also, this September, It's Mario's birthday and the release of the first "unofficial" Star Trek episode! In November, it's Luigi's birthday! To organize all of these events, The E Club is using Google Calendar, Google's free service for organizing events. Want to see The E Club's Events Calendar? Click here!

Super Mario Galaxy 2: Revealed!

June 20, 2010

You may have noticed that I haven't been writing on here or The E Club World lately. That is because I was playing Super Mario Galaxy 2 for a very long time, and in fact, beat it! Here are some things that may help you in this game. The Final Galaxy: Grandmaster! How to get it: Get 240/242 Stars, Green Stars included, and the secret galaxy will open up in World S. This is unlike Super Mario Galaxy, where Grand Finale Galaxy, unlocked after all 120 Stars are collected, is the easiest galaxy in the game; Grandmaster Galaxy is the HARDEST galaxy in the game! (See videos below) Grandmaster Galaxy: The Ultimate Test Grandmaster Galaxy: The Perfect Run

The E Club World From Blogger: Stay Connected

June 02, 2010

As you know, The E Club's 1-year anniversary is coming up this month on the 8th. Not only will there be celebrations, but yesterday, as a belated birthday treat, The E Club's explorative branches went on to Blogger, a Google website where you can create your own blogs. On June 1, 2010, The E Club World Blog came out. It makes a real-world connection to the amazing worlds of Mario, Star Trek, and Science. Below is a model of "The E Club's Family Tree:" The E Club Lite!    |    "Wii" Like Games*    |    The E Club World Blog Don't understand the visual? Here's what it really means: The E Club is at the top of the tree, meaning it started it all.The E Club Lite came next in line, being a "Division of The E Club.""Wii" Like Games is after The E Club Lite, but there's an asterisk after it due to the fact that I half own it with a fellow member, J.Finally, and most recently, The E Club…

The E Club Special Report: Super Mario Galaxy 2

May 17, 2010

As you may know, the sequel to the famous Super Mario Galaxy, Super Mario Galaxy 2, is out NOW. Did you reserve it in advance, like video game stores like GameStop provide for only $5, and are curious of the NEW, cool worlds that await you? Well, I was also curious, and I have done some research on it, starting when I searched "Mario" in the first Yahoo! Search bar and the Super Mario Galaxy 2 Website came up. It has provided The E Club with secret Super Mario Galaxy 2 "Transmissions." Here are the "Transmissions," some cool clips from the game. Transmissions 1-6 Transmission 15 (Look Familiar?) Transmission 16: THE LAST ONE!

Yahoo! Search is Next

May 16, 2010

Now that we have both search technology and Google search technology on The E Club, Yahoo! Search has arrived! All of these search bars from different companies are on The E Club so you don't have to go to a million different websites to search one thing. You can get the codes for the search bars at the E-Store! The E Club is, after all, the Mario, Star Trek, and SCIENCE (INCLUDING TECHNOLOGIES) Website. Here are the Yahoo! Search bars: Yahoo! Web Search Bar: Just like both of the Google Search bars in "Custom Search 2?," the above Yahoo! Search bar enables you to search the web, but this one allows you to search both the web and The E Club!